How will
Net Terms with Discount Hydraulic Hose.com work?
Once you submit your application, our finance team will review your application and you will receive notice once your account is approved. We will add net terms to your login on the website and you;ll see the option for Net Terms at checkout. When you choose this, the order is placed on your Net Terms account.
staff will still pick, pull, pack, and support your order.
If you place
the order directly on our website, you will have no order surcharge. If you
fax, email, or call in your order, we will have to enforce a 6% order handling fee.
What if we
have multiple purchasing agents in our company?
We can assign
multiple email addresses / accounts to be able to purchase under your terms on our website.
What if I
have more questions?
No problem -
give us a call at 800-535-1302 and we will be glad to help!